CRM, Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurial Goodies
Let’s explore the concept of digitization. When we refer to the digitization of a business, we are talking about more than having a website, a Facebook presence and an e-commerce site. Digitization refers to taking every process within a business and redefining them...
Business, Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurial Goodies
Most people train in the field of entrepreneurship out of necessity. Some get formal training and some learn by the seat of their pants. I am one of those that learnt as I went on, making mistakes and paying the price. I have always found it interesting that the...
Business, Digital Marketing, Sales
Building a business, especially during the start-up phase can be like climbing giant stairs…literally From the word go, you hit steep vertical challenges, seemingly higher than yourself. One of these verticals is to figure out how to get to the top. Do you use a...